Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de worry

to worryinquietar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I worryyo inquieto
you worrytú inquietas
he worriesél inquieta
she worriesella inquieta
we worrynosotros inquietamos
you worryvosotros inquietáis
they worryellos inquietan
they worryellas inquietan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I worriedyo inquieté
you worriedtú inquietaste
he worriedél inquietó
she worriedella inquietó
we worriednosotros inquietamos
you worriedvosotros inquietasteis
they worriedellos inquietaron
they worriedellas inquietaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have worriedyo he inquietado
you have worriedtú has inquietado
he has worriedél ha inquietado
she has worriedella ha inquietado
we have worriednosotros hemos inquietado
you have worriedvosotros habéis inquietado
they have worriedellos han inquietado
they have worriedellas han inquietado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had worriedyo había inquietado
you had worriedtú habías inquietado
he had worriedél había inquietado
she had worriedella había inquietado
we had worriednosotros habíamos inquietado
you had worriedvosotros habíais inquietado
they had worriedellos habían inquietado
they had worriedellas habían inquietado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will worryyo inquietaré
you will worrytú inquietarás
he will worryél inquietará
she will worryella inquietará
we will worrynosotros inquietaremos
you will worryvosotros inquietaréis
they will worryellos inquietarán
they will worryellas inquietarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have worriedyo habré inquietado
you will have worriedtú habrás inquietado
he will have worriedél habrá inquietado
she will have worriedella habrá inquietado
we will have worriednosotros habremos inquietado
you will have worriedvosotros habréis inquietado
they will have worriedellos habrán inquietado
they will have worriedellas habrán inquietado

I would worryyo inquietaría
you would worrytú inquietarías
he would worryél inquietaría
she would worryella inquietaría
we would worrynosotros inquietaríamos
you would worryvosotros inquietaríais
they would worryellos inquietarían
they would worryellas inquietarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have worriedyo habría inquietado
you would have worriedtú habrías inquietado
he would have worriedél habría inquietado
she would have worriedella habría inquietado
we would have worriednosotros habríamos inquietado
you would have worriedvosotros habríais inquietado
they would have worriedellos habrían inquietado
they would have worriedellas habrían inquietado

Participio presenteAnotado
worrying inquietando

Participio pasadoAnotado
worried inquietado

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